Bole, Blake - 2027

Submitted by jg11z on
Pirates of the Caribbean
Career Goals

Corporate/Fiscal Law

Community Involvement

Intercollegiate Varsity Debate, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Interfraternity Council, Unconquered by Debt, Food for Thought Pantry, American Cancer Society.

Favorite Meal

Shrimp Tacos from this offroad shack in Homosassa

First Name
Hometown City
Hometown State
Scholar Picture
Last Name
Finance and STEM Entrepreneurship
Applied Physics
Research Interests

Electricity and Electronics.  Blake's research journey from Summer 2023 to Spring 2024 has been focused on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, conducted through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). Under the mentorship of Professor Simon Foo at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Blake delved into this fascinating area of study. His research aimed to explore the efficiency and potential applications of dye sensitized solar cells, a promising alternative to traditional silicon-based solar cells. The research was conducted internally at FSU, providing Blake with ample resources and support from the academic community. Throughout the process, Blake found his research both enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. His findings have contributed to a deeper understanding of dye sensitized solar cells, laying a solid foundation for further advancements in the field. Looking ahead, Blake plans to dedicate his upcoming summer to writing a research paper based on his findings. This paper aims to be published, thereby disseminating the results to a wider audience and contributing to the body of knowledge in solar cell technology. Additionally, Blake intends to expand the scope of his research, exploring new avenues and potential applications of dye sensitized solar cells for a more sustainable future.
