Meet the Scholars

John Askew he/him
Hometown: Draper, UTMajor: Psychology
Minor: Philosophy/Sociology
Career Goals: John's primary interest is a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Afterward, he intends to practice as a therapist.
Research_interests: John's research is focused on how social forces impact individual and communal well-being, especially in how they serve as either a risk or protective factor for mental health issues. John aided in study focused on how mode of presentation impacts perceptions of political polarization from April to September of 2023, through the Political Psychology Lab at the University of Cambridge, under Principle Investigator Dr Lee de-Wit. Additionally, he designed, performed, and analyzed qualitative content analysis of a large free-response dataset of opinions about polarization using manual coding, AI coding, and various procedures in R. He extensively collaborated with researchers at the University of Cambridge and presented conducted research. Through FSU's own Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Suicide-Related Conditions and Behaviors, under Principle Investigator Dr. Thomas Joiner, John has worked with R to assist in performing advanced statistical techniques such as structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis to better understand the risk factors, treatment approaches, and differential impacts (based on diverse identity status) of suicide. He also conducts in-person C-SSRS suicide risk interviews and is currently being trained to administer suicide risk assessments and gather physiological data on a project assessing how clinician-patient physiological synchrony can indicate effective psychotherapy. His responsibilities also include managing IRB submission and modification process for several lab studies. He also started a self-guided Honors in the Major undergraduate thesis focused on parental correlates (in Right-wing Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation) of suicidal intent/internalizing disorders in diverse/LGBTQ+ individuals.
Community Involvement: ESA SEEDS (Ecology Club), Herpetology Club, Psychology Club, Swing Dancing Club, Coastal Plains Institute (monitoring the presence of amphibian species in ephemeral wetlands), United Faculty of Florida (helping to organize union membership renewal), G4 (Recycling prior to football games).
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Mismeasure of Man by Steven Jay Gould
Favorite Meal: Any seafood, or enchiladas!

Emma Barrett she/her
Hometown: Tampa, FLMajor: Political Science, International Affairs
Career Goals: Professor in Political Science
Research_interests: Political Behavior studies: Political polarization, mis/disinformation, political informedness and political apathy, new media. This summer, Emma will be conducting an Honors in the Major thesis under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Ballard to study affective polarization among US citizens. Currently, Emma hopes to conduct her own survey (either through Amazon Mechanical Turk or by drawing data from sources like YouGov or the American National Election Studies) to study how the animus generated from party identification affects American's perceptions of members of the opposite party. Emma hopes to use this research as a writing sample for PhD program applications.
Community Involvement: Presidential Scholars Service Board, Social Science Scholars, Honors Colloquium Leader, Engage 100 Leader, Academic Trainer (University Housing), FSU Pottery Studio,
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Favorite Meal: Dairy Queen Blizzards

Rain Bellamy she/her
Hometown: Orlando, FLMajor: Sport Management and Media/Communication Studies
Career Goals: Entertainment Lawyer and Sports Agent
Research_interests: Language & Infrastructure
Community Involvement: The Kappa Epsilon Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Class Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Garnet & Gold Key, Second Harvest of the Big Bend (sorted cans and assembled food boxes), Salvation Army (sorted donations and refilled the floor stock), Red Cross (sorted and reorganized files), Big Bend (volunteered in their annual 5k event).
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Favorite Meal: Rigatoni D

Charles Campbell he/him
Hometown: Winter Garden, FLMajor: Geography
Minor: Urban and Regional Planning
Career Goals: Charlie intends to pursue a Master's Degree in Geoprahic Information Science. He is interested in a career in emergency management, mapping, natural hazard mitigation, or geospatial analysis.
Research_interests: Charlie researches development policy, failed development, and indigenous conceptions of resource extraction through the geography department. In the summer of 2023, Charlie traveled to British Columbia, Canada, to work with Florida State University geography professor Tyler McCreary and University of Northern British Columbia professor Daniel Sims on their research project examining conceptions of wilderness and settler colonial failure in the traditional lands of the Tsek'ehne First Nation. This research is ongoing and Charlie remains on the project now. Charlie and fellow presidential scholar Emma Barrett published their second journal article together in the Southeastern Geographer. Titled Smokey Hollow: Circulations of Race and Value in Tallahassee, Florida, the work is a culmination of their UROP project research. Charlie is also pursuing an Honors Thesis titled Zombie Communities: An Exploration of Florida's Zombified Suburbs, in which he examines sense of place and failure Floridian suburban developments.
Community Involvement: Charlie has volunteered with Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity. Through this organization, he has participated in cleanups, fundraising efforts, and a wide variety of service projects targeting the community of Tallahassee.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Suburban Wild by Peter Friederici
Favorite Meal: Shiro Wot.

Sebastian Castro he/him
Hometown: Tampa, FLMajor: Chemical Engineering
Career Goals: Go to graduate school to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, researching energy sustainability. Following this, Sebastian's goal is to work for a national lab or in industry that aims to improve energy efficiency and practicability of new technologies.
Research_interests: Sebastian's research interests lie in energy sustainability. This includes electrochemical devices, catalysis, energy storage, and polymers for applications in sustainability. In the Summer of 2023, Sebastian participated in Caltech's WAVE Fellows Program under Dr. Jonas Peters in the Resnick Sustainability Institute. In a collaboration with the Department of Energy's Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA), his project focused on the production of high-value chemical products made from carbon dioxide using electricity and a catalyst. He was able to find new sets of reaction conditions that make the most amount of product with the cheapest electrolyte mixture. Upon his return to Tallahassee, he began to conduct research in the Polymers for Advanced Energy Sustainability (PAES) lab under Dr. Daniel Hallinan Jr. He is leading his own project on polymer membranes for applications in seawater desalination, fuel cells, and batteries. The research can be used to model sustainable separations processes on larger scales. He will continue the project this Summer through the MagLab REU and the following academic year through Honors in the Major.
Community Involvement: Theta Tau, Student Engineering Leadership Board, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Tau Beta Pi, The Salvation Army.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: One Piece
Favorite Meal: Bandeja Paisa

Joseph Cofer he/him
Hometown: Ormond Beach, FLMajor: Finance, Marketing, Management Information Systems
Career Goals: Joseph is pursuing triple Bachelor's Degrees in Finance, Marketing, and Management Information Systems. After founding a successful business at eleven years old, his interest in business strategy grew steadfast with a desire to understand the branding and financial operations of global firms. A recipient of the James M. Seneff Business Honors award, Joseph values mentorship of prominent industry leaders and continues to partake in experiential learning - such as an internship with the Secretary of Homeland Security in Washington, D.C. Joseph values multifarious experience to advance financial analysis, predictive modeling, strategic consulting, and empathetic leadership skills - to explore global finance strategy and the international implications of firms in varying cultures.
Research_interests: I'm interested in international affairs and economics with a research interest on how developed countries can influence the economies of developing nations, and what effects this can have on populations.
Community Involvement: 75th Student Senate, 76th Student Senate, James M. Seneff Honors Scholars, The Torch Society, Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity, Inc., The FSU Consulting Group, College of Business Student Leadership Council, The Student Foundation, Garnet & Gold Key Leadership Honorary, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The White Lotus
Favorite Meal: Ossu Bucco.

Rian Covington he/him
Hometown: Jacksonville, FLMajor: Biological Sciences
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Career Goals: Physician
Research_interests: Cell/molecular biology. Cancer/disease research and access to healthcare for minorities. Worked with Dr. Chelko on heart lab research studies.
Community Involvement: FSU Swimming & Diving, Phi Delta Epsilon, Food for Thought Pantry.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Outlier by Malcom Gladwell
Favorite Meal: Seafood boil

Nicole Croom she/they
Hometown: Atlanta, GAMajor: Retail Entrepreneurship
Career Goals: Fashion design and/or linguistics
Research_interests: Language (linguistics) and development of 3D objects
Community Involvement: Food packing and delivery for the sick and elderly, social/civic action campaigns, animal care, etc.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The instruction guide for building a shelving unit in my dorm room
Favorite Meal: A breakfast of turkey bacon, roti, white peaches, and persimmons.

Isabella Eaton she/her
Hometown: Orlando, FLMajor: Biological Sciences and Public Health
Minor: Chemistry
Career Goals: Bella has a career goal of being a pediatrician working for a charity that serves underprivileged health communities.
Research_interests: Studying how immunodeficiency's are treated in third world countries
Community Involvement: Disabled Student Union, ENDOverdose at FSU, Make Medicine Human, Tri-Alpha Honors Society, Level Dance Company, FSU Food for Thought Pantry, Unconquered By Debt, The Kearney Center.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Persuasion by Jane Austen
Favorite Meal: Thai Spring Rolls

Carina Edwards
Hometown: Broward County, FLMajor: Biological Sciences
Career Goals: Surgeon
Research_interests: History and Health
Community Involvement: International Mission Trips and Feeding the Homeless
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Great Gatsby
Favorite Meal: Chipotle

Sean Faletti he/him
Hometown: Orlando, FLMajor: Creative Writing and Human Rights & Social Justice
Minor: Social Entrepreneurship and Art History
Career Goals: Writer, Musician, Bartender, or Professor (in no particular order).
Research_interests: Literature, Asian American culture. Sean will be beginning a hybrid creative/analytical project on the Asian American kunstlerroman under the direction of Barbara Hamby for his Honors in the Major Thesis. This project explores the coming-of-age of the Asian American creative, and he will be interviewing Asian American artists and writing poems inspired by each interview. Sean will also conduct a literature review of Asian American artists' coming-of-age narratives to understand the intersections of the cultural and artistic identity.
Community Involvement: Asian American Student Union, South Asian Student Association, Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc., Student Government Association, Order of Omega, Garnet and Gold Key, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), Unconquered by Debt, North Florida Wildlife Center.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Favorite Meal: Lasagna or Palak Paneer.

Jack Folwell he/him
Hometown: St. Augustine, FLMajor: Physical Science & Political Science
Minor: Math & Economics
Career Goals: Work in science policy
Research_interests: Public erosion of trust in scientists and other experts.
Community Involvement: Student Government Association, Garnet & Gold Key Leadership Honorary, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Phi, Honors Student Association, Society of Physics Students, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Unconquered by Debt, Relay for Life.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old
Favorite Meal: Macaroni

Lance Hendrickson they/them
Hometown: West Chester, PAMajor: Environmental Science
Minor: EOAS Studies
Career Goals: Anything I can do to improve the world, whether that's working with the EPA or working with a company to reduce their impact on the environment, or in research; ideally, something involving fieldwork.
Research_interests: Ecology, evolution, urban planning.
Community Involvement: SEEDS (Ecology club), Tabletop club, Unconquered by Debt, Food Network Recovery.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Locked Tomb
Favorite Meal: Potato latkes.

Brennan Hinson he/him
Hometown: Tampa, FLMajor: Civil Engineering
Career Goals: I want to work as a civil engineer for Disney's Imagineering team.
Research_interests: Engineering.
Community Involvement: Engage100, Pi Lambda Phi, ASCE, Kearney Center, EngageTLH, Unconquered by Debt.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: se7en
Favorite Meal: Steak and shrimp
Hima Humeda she/her
Hometown: Pensacola, FLMajor: Biology
Career Goals: Physician hopefully a surgical physician
Research_interests: STEM cell research, gene expression, frontal lobe function
Community Involvement: Dance Marathon, Ronald McDonald House, Underpriveleged healthcare communities
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Midnight Library
Favorite Meal: Ramen Noodles

Ally Kukanza she/her
Hometown: Sarasota, FLMajor: Economics
Career Goals: Lawyer (family, corporate)
Research_interests: Mock Trial
Community Involvement: Teen Court, Tutoring, Soccer, Football, Kayak Tour Guide
Last Book, Show, or Movie: A Prayer for Owen Meany
Favorite Meal: Chicken Tikka Masala

William Lleonart he/him
Hometown: Miami, FLMajor: Accounting
Career Goals: Not 100% sure, maybe pediatrician or something in business.
Research_interests: Psychology, Finance, Medicine
Community Involvement: ALPFA FSU, Seminole Organic Garden.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Metamorphosis
Favorite Meal: Churrasco

Carson Long he/him
Hometown: Orlando, FLMajor: French
Minor: Linguistics, Music
Career Goals: Language Teacher.
Research_interests: Education. Carson wrote a short research paper about the removal of a conquistador statue in Popayán, Colombia and its afterlife on Google reviews under the direction of Dr. Aimée Boutin at FSU as part of an Honors Augmented course.
Community Involvement: The Francophone Club.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Ru by Kim Thuy
Favorite Meal: Fried halloumi wraps

Cameron Mullin he/him
Hometown: Aurora, OHMajor: Finance and Philosophy
Career Goals: Software product strategy/operations role.
Research_interests: Implications of behavioral/social psychology on financial markets.
Community Involvement: Financial Management Association, Seneff Honors Program, The Kearney Center.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Memento (2000)
Favorite Meal: Any smash burger

Kaylyn Myers she/her
Hometown: Plantation, FLMajor: Biochemistry
Career Goals: Anesthesiology
Research_interests: Biomedical Research, Chemistry
Community Involvement: Gold Award Girl Scout, National Honor Society
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Small Island by Andrea Levy
Favorite Meal: Caramelized Onion Macn' Cheese

Jack Nichols he/him
Hometown: Star, IDMajor: English Literature and Spanish
Minor: Math
Career Goals: In his own words, "Not quite sure yet..."
Research_interests: Rural education, academic policy, and statistical analysis. Jack is currently working on an Honors Thesis, "From Bondage to Freedom," on prefigurative politics in Janelle Monáe's Dirty Computer (2018), under advisor Dr. Maxine Lavon Montgomery.
Community Involvement: Presidential Scholars Education and Unity Board, Torch Society,
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Gilmore Girls
Favorite Meal: Waffles

Nia Ogletree she/they
Hometown: Tallahassee, FLMajor: Environmental Science
Career Goals: Environmental scientist, Environmental Consultant
Research_interests: Water and Soil Quality, Natural Resources, Environmental & Human Relationships
Community Involvement: Climate Activism with GenCLEO, Youth Civic Engagement with Young Activists for Change
Last Book, Show, or Movie: This changes everything : capitalism vs. the climate
Favorite Meal: Thai Coconut Curry w Veggies

Nika Povelikin she/her
Hometown: New York City, New YorkMajor: Biological Sciences
Career Goals: Herpetologist, evolutionary biologist, conservation biologist
Research_interests: Herpetology, evolution, conservation, ecology, phylogenomics, natural history
Community Involvement: Environmental education at the Wildlife Conservation Society
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Flamingo's Smile Reflections in Natural History by Stephen Jay Gould
Favorite Meal: Kale salad with brown rice, sweet potato, goat cheese, apple, and onion
Caitlyn Primous she/her
Hometown: Marietta, GAMajor: Musical Theatre
Career Goals: I want to be a composer/music director for Broadway shows.
Research_interests: Performing Arts, Music Therapy, Composition, Piano
Community Involvement: Side B Society
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Killing Eve
Favorite Meal: Hickory Fries

Nadia Rassech she/her
Hometown: Santa Cruz, CaliforniaMajor: International Affairs and Middle Eastern Studies
Minor: Global Citizenship Certificate
Career Goals: Would like to study International Law, afterwards, Nadia is interested in a variety of fields (refugee advocacy, human rights work, foreign service).
Research_interests: Nadia is interested in studying international law, US foreign policy, human rights and refugee crises. In the summer of 2023, Nadia interned at a refugee aid organization in Halle, Germany. As a part of her role, she helped conduct research on the local refugee community. This included developing her understanding not only of international refugee law, but also of German policy towards refugees and refugee resettlement. She conducted interviews with various members of the Halle refugee community, utilizing her German and Arabic language skills, to better understand their stories, their arrival, their experiences with cultural and economic integration vs isolation in Halle, and other themes regarding their resettlement process. In the same summer, Nadia (along with four other members of the FSU Honors Program) conducted research on developing surveillance technologies used in Florida, and presented at the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights, a week-long program focused on human rights and technology, hosted at Oxford University, UK. This coming summer, Nadia will travel to Muscat, Oman, to conduct Honors in the Major research relating to refugeehood in countries (e.g. Oman) that have not ratified the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. Her project will look at how refugeehood has manifested in Omani national and Islamic legal discourses, and how this has supplemented/contradicted international refugee law. Her director is associate professor of History, Dr. Will Hanley, and committee members consist of Dr. Adam Gaiser in the Religions department, and Mark Schlakman from the law school.
Community Involvement: Middle East Center, Arabic Honor Society, Amnesty International, Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, Social Science Scholars, Arabic Language House (Arabic LLC), International Rescue Committee (volunteer coordinator Oct 2022-present, coordinate a team of ten volunteers to help with the integration of an Afghan refugee family, as well as tutor Afghan refugee students), Unconquered by Debt (fall 23-spring 24, tabling).
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Hit the Road
Favorite Meal: Sambosas!

Daniel Siegel he/him
Hometown: Bethseda, MDMajor: English Literature, Media, and Culture
Minor: Communication
Career Goals: Daniel hopes to work in environmental communication and public outreach.
Research_interests: Daniel's research largely engages with English literature. He is especially interested in the intersections between literature and the environment, preferring to study books with environmental themes.
Community Involvement: FSU Men's Club Ultimate (DUF). FSU Sport Clubs Executive Council. Power of WE. GenCLEO. FSU Unconquered by Debt (tabled and advertised for FSU Saves). SAIL High School (volunteered at practices and served as unofficial assistant coach for Ultimate Frisbee team). FSU Campus Recreation (attended and tabled at Special Olympics kickball tournament, teaching attendees how to throw a frisbee and cheering on their football games). Visit Tallahassee (volunteered at cross country championship event, volunteered at high school football championships, and volunteered and tabled at City of Tallahassee movie event in Cascades park).
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy
Favorite Meal: An Ethiopian platter

Sasha Smith she/her
Hometown: West Palm Beach, FLMajor: Hospitality & Tourism Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Career Goals: Sasha hopes to get involved in consulting for the hospitality industry, specifically on ways that supply chains for lodging and food & beverage establishments can become more sustainable. After getting a master's degree in Hospitality Entrepreneurship during her fourth year at FSU, Sasha aims to work at a the corporate level for a large hotel, like Marriott, regarding corporate strategy, supply chain, or human resources. Within these departments, Sasha feels as though she can use her knack for problem-solving and love for psychology to improve the lives of employees in the hospitality industry and alleviate the impact that the industry has on our environment. Down the line, Sasha also hopes to participate in some sort of research regarding sustainable supply chains, and hopefully publish a book or make speeches about it. As a passion project towards the middle/end of her career, Sasha also hopes to open up her own bed & breakfast abroad and interact with travelers and people from all over the world.
Research_interests: Sasha is very interested in researching sustainable supply chain management, but has yet to get involved on a project.
Community Involvement: Peggy Adams Animal Rescue foster/volunteer, fundraising for my school's publication, participated in several beach clean-ups and summer camp counseling. Sasha has also been involved with Unconquered by Debt and FSU Saves, assisting with the setup and takedown of booths, helping advertise the UBD and FSU Saves organizations, and aiding in disseminating information regarding financial wellness.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
Favorite Meal: Sushi, all day, everyday.

Ryan The he/him
Hometown: Canton, MIMajor: Cell/Molecular Neuroscience and Public Health
Career Goals: Physician
Research_interests: Biochem and music cognition research
Community Involvement: Beaumont Hospital Student Volunteer, Northridge Church Worship Leader
Last Book, Show, or Movie: "Atomic Habits," James Clear
Favorite Meal: Mom's cooking :)

Bria Weisblat she/her
Hometown: Davie, FLMajor: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics and Innovation
Career Goals: Bria is planning to work in data science or AI.
Research_interests: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Community Involvement: Innovation Hub, Seminole Innovators, Hillel, Challahassee, Phi Beta Kappa. Challahassee, Unconquered by Debt.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: The Bear
Favorite Meal: Honey walnut shrimp

Sophie Winer she/her
Hometown: Sarasota, FLMajor: International Affairs
Minor: Religion
Career Goals: Something humanitarian
Research_interests: All semester, I have been a part of a weekly research group. We have been reading diaries of American women from the 1800s and assessing their emotional lives. Primarily, we are studying the ways in which their emotions manifest in their religious experience, and how their emotional and spiritual lives are constantly reproducing one another. We are evalulating the impact of their religious communities on their faith, and attempting to understand how they felt about religion when no one was watching. My faculty advisor was Dr. John Corrigan, and we are currently writing an article to send out for publishing in mid-May. I thoroughly enjoyed working with him—he is deeply curious, and he encouraged us to see ourselves as 'experts' of the diaries we read. I felt that he gave me a great amount of knowledge, autonomy, and encouragement throughout this process.
Community Involvement: Member of Strike magazine digital team, Unconquered By Debt.
Last Book, Show, or Movie: After the Ecstasy, The Laundry by Jack Kornfield
Favorite Meal: Tacos